The Transition Journey After a Pastor Leaves

When churches experience a change in pastors, they go on a journey of transition. The diagram in this video will walk you through the stages of that transitional journey.

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Transitional Ministry Model vs. Traditional Interim Ministry Model

What is the difference between intentional interim ministry and traditional interim ministry? When do you need to consider a more intentional approach during pastoral transition? This video outlines the two models and how they can be used in your church.

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How do we accept hardship as the pathway to peace?

grief grief and loss Mar 10, 2022

The longer version of the Serenity Prayer has a phrase in it that has always caused me to stop and ponder what it means. Here's one perspective on what it means to pray, "...accepting hardship as the pathway to peace."

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What change does your church need during pastoral transition?

The kind of change most churches today need is "ADAPTIVE" change not just "TECHNICAL" change. An opportune time to begin to make those changes is during pastoral transition. This video makes the case for adaptive change as necessary for most churches during transition.

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Partnering with the Thrive Coaching Network

It is a privilege to welcome Jeff Allen and the Thrive Coaching Network as a strategic partner with the Transitional Leadership Network (TLN). This partnership brings important skills and tools to TLN as we serve leaders working with churches in transition. Specifically, Jeff's expertise can help equip transitional leaders shift church culture and build disciple-making momentum during a season of transition.

The Thrive Coaching Network catalyzes disciple-making leaders to be living examples of a multiplication mindset - a paradigm shift moving from addition to multiplication, from scarcity to abundance, and from being fed to bearing fruit. It is a paradigm shift from survive to thrive.

The Thrive Coaching Network provides the following services: 

  • Coaching - Journey with a guide on the side who provides practical tools & insights to equip you as a disciple and as a disciple-making leader
  • Consulting - Engage with discerning leaders who listen, assess, and...
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7 Signs You Might be Called into Transitional Ministry

How do you know if you're a candidate for transitional ministry (also called intentional interim ministry)? Here are seven potential signs (feelings or thoughts) that indicate God might be trying to get your attention and calling you to be a transitional pastor.

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3 Actions to Transform this Season of Transition and Uncertainty

These times are very challenging but what if we found a way to see opportunity in our uncertainty? In this video Cam shares three actions that can make make all the difference personally and as we lead congregations.

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What bucket do you spend your time in?

Uncategorized Dec 08, 2021

There are two buckets we choose to spend our time in. One is filled with our least useful activities while the other one is filled with the most useful activities. Learn how you can improve your time management.

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The Closed Mouth Doesn't Get Fed

Uncategorized Oct 25, 2021

The invitation God gives to us in Matthew 7:7 flies in the face of this age old wisdom. May be say yes to God's invitation and challenge.

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Advanced Transitional Ministry Training

This is an invitation to further your professional development in transitional ministry / intentional interim ministry. Develop your skills as a transitional leader or pastor and find a community to support you with TLN's Advanced Training. Find out more here.

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