Five Enduring Principles that Help Us Navigate Transition and Change

Just because a church has agreed to an intentional interim process does not mean they are ready for all that goes with it. 

It takes wise and thoughtful leadership to navigate the transitional process. Healthy transitions don’t just happen but require spiritual discernment, competency and wise leadership to navigate. 

As you and I work with congregations in transition, we need to keep in mind some basics. For many of you, these ideas are not new but if you’re like me, I need reminding because I forget things.

This is your reminder of some basic principles to keep standing on as you lead and work with congregations in transition. Please send me yours to add to this list.    

Five Enduring Principles that Help Us Navigate Transition and Change

1. Communicate a Compelling Transitional Vision

 Vision comes in all sizes. There is the long term overarching vision a church needs. There’s also the shorter term transitional vision.  This...

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Who are the future harvest hands in transitional ministry?

There continues to be a need for more harvest hands needs in all areas of God's kingdom harvest work. That includes the need for more quality transitional pastors. Where do you fit into helping to meet that need?

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Introducing the Transitional Leader Designation Program

The Transitional Leader (TL) Designation program equips and supports both transitional leaders and their sponsoring agencies. Transitional leaders receive training and support for ongoing development and ministry effectiveness. Denominational leaders and other sponsors receive support and resources to find, train and designate transitional leaders for the harvest field.  

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Hope in the Future Gives Meaning to the Present

You can't live one second without hope. Here is a fresh take on an essential element during times of transition both personally and with congregations. 

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Building Connection Through Peer Coaching Triads

TLN is excited to announce our Peer Coaching Triads. It's a place and space where transitional pastors will be able to stay connected, be supported and further develop as coach-like leaders.

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The Transition Journey After a Pastor Leaves

When churches experience a change in pastors, they go on a journey of transition. The diagram in this video will walk you through the stages of that transitional journey.

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Transitional Ministry Model vs. Traditional Interim Ministry Model

What is the difference between intentional interim ministry and traditional interim ministry? When do you need to consider a more intentional approach during pastoral transition? This video outlines the two models and how they can be used in your church.

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What change does your church need during pastoral transition?

The kind of change most churches today need is "ADAPTIVE" change not just "TECHNICAL" change. An opportune time to begin to make those changes is during pastoral transition. This video makes the case for adaptive change as necessary for most churches during transition.

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Advanced Transitional Ministry Training

This is an invitation to further your professional development in transitional ministry / intentional interim ministry. Develop your skills as a transitional leader or pastor and find a community to support you with TLN's Advanced Training. Find out more here.

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Advice for Starting as a Transitional Pastor / Interim Pastor

In this video, Cam interviews four experienced transitional pastors and asks them, "What's the one piece of advice you would give to someone starting out as a transitional pastor." What advice would you give?

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