One Transitional Pastor Tells His Story

By Keith Shields

I began my training with the Transitional Leadership Network (TLN) in 2018 when I was Interim Lead Pastor of a Calgary, Alberta church. I had been Executive Pastor beside a great Lead Pastor who shepherded for 41 years—21 as Lead Pastor and 20 as an Associate. After almost 50 years of continuity, this shift would be a shock to the congregation. The congregation was healthy but needed a transitional period to determine next steps. I was a leader and elder for about 20 years, so the congregation had comfort with me in an interim role. Wanting to serve them well, I sought additional training to strengthen my skills.

Transitional Leaders - More than a Place Holder

Through the TLN training, I realized transitional leaders are more than interim leaders holding a place until a new Lead Pastor is hired. Being a Transitional Pastor is challenging because you must do everything a Lead Pastor does (preaching, administration, pastoral care, evangelism, etc.) and guide the...

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How Do We Get Everyone On the Train?

By Hugh Fraser

There I was, engaged with a church floundering in transition.  A picture of a train came to mind. Their experience was so much like passengers struggling to board a train headed towards the future. Despite sincere effort and good intentions, the leaders could not get everyone to climb on board!

As I reflected and searched for direction in God’s Word, the Spirit led me to Hebrews 12:1-3. It had the feel of this train metaphor and some clues as to what was holding us back. The writer of Hebrews exhorted followers to “…run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Forward motion can be impeded by two barriers – anything that “hinders” or “sin that easily entangles.” 

This congregation had suffered a devastating split in the membership a year earlier. As we partnered in an assessment process, it became clear that unsettled emotion was a primary hindrance for this body.


One Transitional...

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Introducing the Transitional Leader Designation Program

The Transitional Leader (TL) Designation program equips and supports both transitional leaders and their sponsoring agencies. Transitional leaders receive training and support for ongoing development and ministry effectiveness. Denominational leaders and other sponsors receive support and resources to find, train and designate transitional leaders for the harvest field.  

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The Transition Journey After a Pastor Leaves

When churches experience a change in pastors, they go on a journey of transition. The diagram in this video will walk you through the stages of that transitional journey.

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Transitional Ministry Model vs. Traditional Interim Ministry Model

What is the difference between intentional interim ministry and traditional interim ministry? When do you need to consider a more intentional approach during pastoral transition? This video outlines the two models and how they can be used in your church.

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What change does your church need during pastoral transition?

The kind of change most churches today need is "ADAPTIVE" change not just "TECHNICAL" change. An opportune time to begin to make those changes is during pastoral transition. This video makes the case for adaptive change as necessary for most churches during transition.

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7 Signs You Might be Called into Transitional Ministry

How do you know if you're a candidate for transitional ministry (also called intentional interim ministry)? Here are seven potential signs (feelings or thoughts) that indicate God might be trying to get your attention and calling you to be a transitional pastor.

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3 Actions to Transform this Season of Transition and Uncertainty

These times are very challenging but what if we found a way to see opportunity in our uncertainty? In this video Cam shares three actions that can make make all the difference personally and as we lead congregations.

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Is Your Congregational Grief and Loss Model Adequate?

closure grief loss transition Sep 08, 2020

[The following is the transcript of this week’s video. It’s not word for word but a close representation of what Cam said in his video. This transcript is provided for those of you who are unable to watch the video or would prefer to read the message instead of listen to it].

Is your congregational grief and loss model adequate? I asked you that question, not only for those of you dealing with congregations in transition as you come to the season of closure, but because we have a much broader reality going on in our congregations because of what's going on in our culture because of the pandemic. and COVID realities and restrictions. There's been a lot of loss.

There's been a lot of things to be grieved in order for congregations to be able to move forward. What I have to say today might be relevant for a lot of situations. Now, I'm speaking mostly to people who are involved with churches in transition but as you rub shoulders and come in touch with...

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Is Your Grief and Loss Model Adequate?

Listen to the audio version here. 

[The following is the transcript of this week’s video. It’s not word for word but a close representation of what Cam said in his video. This transcript is provided for those of you who are unable to watch the video or would prefer to read the message instead of listen to it].

I have a question for you that I'd like you to think about for just for a few minutes.

Is your grief and loss model that you're working with adequate? There's been so many losses this last year. So many people that are dealing with transition, dealing with job loss, financial loss, loss of health. People have lost family members. There's been a great disturbance in the whole church community — going from the way things used to be to whatever the way things might look like in the future.

I want to suggest that your loss model and my loss model, if it looks like this (see image), might be inadequate. This model does have value and can help...

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