The Healing Power of the Grief Cleanse

grief grief and loss loss Apr 28, 2021

When we experience loss, it's important to find healthy ways to process what we're feeling and dealing with. The grief cleanse is one tool Cam has used and found very powerful as a way to find deeper healing and relief.


The purpose

A process that validates your grief and helps you release the pain of your loss.

Matthew 5:4 TM You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.

Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

The commitment

  • You need to give some undisturbed time for this process.
  • 15-30 minutes per day for seven days (then as needed after that).

The tools

  • A journal & pen (or other writing method)
  • The steps
  • A quiet place

The posture

  • The courage to face your fears and doubts along
  • The faith to trust God’s healing work within you

The Eight Steps

Step 1: Get quiet and comfortable (breathe in and out a few times; remove all distractions)

Step 2: Ask the question: “Grief, will you come out and speak to me?” [write this in your journal]

Step 3: Gauge your resistance to this exercise on a scale of 1 (”no way”) to 10 (”so ready!”). [Write down your number]

Step 4: Answer the question: “Why do I need to do this exercise?” Eg) “So I can be fully healed.” “So I can get unstuck and help others.” Etc.

Step 5: Now ask the question again, “Grief, will you come out and speak to me?” [Write down everything grief says]

Step 6: After you feel complete, ask yourself, “What did I find surprising?” [Write down your answers]

Step 7: Once more ask the question, “Grief, will you come out and speak to me?” [Write down your answers]

Step 8: Now invite God to speak to you by asking, “God, is there anything you’d like to say to me right now?” [Write down what you hear him say]

Now close with a short prayer of thanks and commit your grief journey to Him.

[Adapted from the book, Second Firsts by Christina Rasmussen (pp. 59-60).]


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