A Small Beginning Can Lead to a Big Impact

goals oneword Jan 15, 2020

A small beginning can lead to a big impact!

God’s Word to Zerubbabel through Zechariah went like this, “Do not despise these small beginnings” (Zech. 4:10).

This message was delivered to discouraged leader and a demoralized people who were trying to get back on their feet after a difficult transition. In his doubt, Zerubbabel needed this message from the Lord…

Start small and see what a difference you can make when I’m in it with you!

Small beginnings in our lives can make a big difference

I’m approaching this new year with a focus on the small beginnings — the ones I believe God is in on.

What’s your temperature as you begin 2020? Optimistic? Excited? Overwhelmed? Doubtful? Cautious? Determined? Expectant? Curious?

I’m approaching this year from a posture of stillness.

Truth is, I’ve picked STILLNESS as my theme for 2020 — my one word. I’m very aware that I need to cultivate and practice stillness if I’m going to keep from feeling overwhelmed in my outer world.

I also landed on one verse that will anchor that stillness in God’s promise. Psalm 46:10 is that one verse: “Be still and know that I am God.” I love how it goes in the Message,

“Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.”

I’ve also added one habit to my daily routine so that one word and one verse can be lived out. I plan to go on an uncluttered walk every day in order to be quiet and let God speak, comfort, reassure, direct, and give me His rest.

One word. 
One verse. 
One habit.

What about you? Where are you wanting to see growth in your life, your relationships, your health, your ministry? What one word could capture that desire and hope? What one verse could anchor that one word in God’s promise to you? What one habit could turn that desire into an automatic response that strengthens you throughout the year?

Let me know what you hear God saying to you as you begin your year.

Small beginnings in this ministry — making a big difference

As 2020 begins, this ministry is experiencing a new beginning. The Transitional Leadership Network (formerly the Transitional Leadership Ministry) is starting small and believing that the small steps we take will make a big difference.

As I lead this ministry, the fresh start is a big daunting but I’m anchoring that feeling in the goodness and faithfulness of my Father who is our leader.

We are starting with small steps in the direction we believe God would have us go. We continue to listen to you who are on the front line of this ministry and exist to support, resource, train and facilitate meaningful connection.

Our plan is to have an official launch in February at which time we’ll give greater clarity about how you can benefit from the network in tangible ways.

Here are a few of the ways we plan to keep taking small steps in developing this ministry to support and come alongside you in your ministry with congregations in transition.

  • The monthly Transitions enews continues
  • The roster will relaunch in February
  • Live training events continue — two 3-day basic training events are coming up (see below)
  • Coaching circles will launch in February
  • Monthly educational webinars will launch in February
  • An online forum will launch in February
  • Membership levels with a range of benefits will launch in February
  • Those are a few of the small ways we’re looking to make a big impact.

How will you begin small this year and end up having a big  impact?  


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